Friday, November 21, 2008

Joy Division - Digital

This song is the theme to my daily life which so closely resembles Hell.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Foodbanks and Dropins Are a Disgrace

I used to volunteer at Daily Bread (Nearly Dead) Foodbank until I got fed up with their discrimination and favouritism. I told them I want volunteer experience but I wanted a chance to do invoices and call centre work because I couldn't develop any real useful skills labouring with boxes all day. They kept putting me off and just forcing me to work in the stupid warehouse.
When cans were dented or things were opened they got put in the garbage. I'd go through the garbage and help myself to items that were destined for the city dump. The some huge fat cow with an arse that looks like two badly parked Volkswagens started spying on me and went whining that I was taking things. The two huge fat staff Bree and Jeremy got in my face and tried to search my property. I told them to go fuck themselves and they kicked me out. This is what I get for asserting myself and TAKING what I'm entitled to instead ov waiting for favourites playing arseholes to help me.
Then there's Art Heart (Art Fart): another disgrace. I left my headphones there once and called up to infrom them. I was told my headphones were in the office but when I went to get them I just got this dumb bimbo Debbie telling me they weren't there, all the while wearing this smarmy insincere smirk. They gave me false hope and never attempted to compensate what they did to me. I told them if I ever caught the fucker that robbed me I'd slice their fucking fingers off joint by joint. They got all poltically correct and whiny and wouldn't let me in after. Meanwhile, they let the Chinese there get ahead ov everyone else. They allow them to get ahead in line, to get the best selection ov food, and to take home extras while they nag and humiliate anyone who isn't their pet.
Then there's LAMP, another ridiculous dump which shows their blatant favouritism to their stupid fucking pets. Today they snatched food out ov my hands while they allowed their pets to walk off with whatever they wanted. Staff here give their pets the largest helpings ov food while they barely give a mouthful to the rest.


I made the mistake ov attending the CAPA Art Show and entering several pieces.
Okay, THAT in itself was not a mistake but first some dumb broad totally did not get abstract art and kept asking me what it was supposed to be. The whole point ov abstract art is that it represents what can't be put in definitive terms. Of course this other bimbo promised to buy two pieces and then disappeared and never returned.
The good thing is that I ran into two olde Friends from my activist days. Even though OCAP knifed me in the back it's nice to know some people are still loyal.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Joy Division - Disorder

The L-IF-E ov Ian Curtis is tragic beyond description. How the people closest to him could have not seen his PAIN is beyond me.
This song is absolutely TIMEless.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Roger Hodgson - Have a Dream (Sleeping with the enemy)

Listen to the lyrics ov this song. It describes the very essence ov my entire

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Zero Population Growth!

I've gone from being pro-choice to pro-abortion. Every time I see some stupid pregnant broad I want to kick her in the stomach. NOW the TTC wants to make it mandatory to give up seats for pregnant broads: FUCK RIGHT OFF!I'm not giving up my seat nfor anyone. If some bimbo is too stupid to make her husband use condoms why the fuck should I suffer for it?
This stinking world is so overpopulated that to have kids is the height ov irresponsibilty.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The REAL Four Letter Words

This is something that's been on my M-IN-D for quite some time NOW: the putrid little everyday nothings that on their OWN are so easy to ignore and demote to nothingness yet building up can result in mental collapse.
The worst four-letter words are th definitions of those hideous things that conspire to drive me out ov my fucking M-IN-D:
LOVE-a word so overrated and overused as to NOW be devoid ov any signifigance
TIMEthe thing ov which I never have enough; the thing which others never make for me, the precious commodity which is contatnly being wasted by social workers and drop-ins and job programs.
WAITThe thing I despise above ALL else. There is NO purpose to waiting except to drive us out ov our M-IN-Ds. Please spare me any whiny bullshit about the value ov patience. Being made to wait does nothing for patience: it only increases frustration, pain, and stress.
KIDS Another four-letter owrd. I find it disgraceful that in today's world, where overpoulation is the single biggest threat to our environment , people can just reproduce like cockroaches with no fucking regard or consideration for anyone or thing except following their instincts like rutting hounds and bitches in heat.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

PTV - Money 4 E... (DiaBALLical)

Without a doubt the greatest most thought-provoking body moving muasic ever. There is NO comparison anywhere at any time.

PTV - Infinite Beat

Psychic TV - Joy

Friday, August 15, 2008

I gave up bothering with the whiners in the art centre I was blogging about a few weeks ago. They always let the Chinese that go there get the best of the food and the first pick of everything, and they defend theives while innocent people suffer and get denied and robbed.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm fed up to my two fucken eyes with being treated like shit and being a fucking minority in my OWN fucking country.
I come to free art classes at Dundas and Sackville and I'm all-ways being shunted aside by the pushy Chinese that are all-ways here. They push their way in front of the line-ups, they hog all the food from the meal program, they crowd the tables and jabber in their OWN language and do everything they can to make people like me feel excluded.
Then the fucking staff here comes up and takes all the paints off MY table and puts them over where all the fucking foreigners are to give them favouritism.
This other whiny staff only ever talks to me to whine at me about mixing the paints.
I hate being here NOW.
I hate being in the fucking drop-in scene that only ever favours weirdos and creeps and freaks. I can't develop my talent here because my talent is being stifled by all the attention paid to all the fucking foreigners who come to our country and do what they please. It's bad enough having them steal ALL OUR jobs and housing; NOW they're stealing our fucking cultural identity.
I won't hold back on this blog any longer. No-one's reading it or gives a fuck about me so I'll say what I fucken want. Deal with it or fuck off and die.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pathetic Celebrities

Whatever happened to the good old days when strung out rock stars had the decency to overdose in their bathubs and depart with dignity, leaving us with a sense of mystery
These days we're stuck with the likes of Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse (who really should insert an "H" between the "w" and "i" in her surname)and Lindsay Lohan, all of whom don't have the simple decency to die from their drugs of choice but keep sticking around driving us to early graves with their constant indulgences of their moldering neuroses which are obviously the only way these no-talent bimbos could ever get any attention any way.
Amy, Brtitney, Lindsay: PLEASE! Crash and burn already or else slowly fade away but either way put yourselves out of our misery!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why Democaracy Sucks

Has anyone ever considered the horrific implications of the words which define democracy?
"The good for the greater; the majority rules."
Now consider warning lables on various products.
Bear with me, these two topics DO tie in together.
Today's generation seems to require warning labels on bread pudding which state "Caution: Product will be hot after heating." or , worse yet, to have labels on a chainsaw which declare "WARNING: Do not attempt to stop chainsaw with your hands, feet, or genitals." {I am NOT making this up. I wish I were.}
This is where these topics meld into one.
The problem with Majority Rule is clearly this:
My dear God, do we want to be a world governed by people who need to be told that it's not a good idea to stop a chainsaw with their genitals? This is what majority rule gets us, people!
get back to me on this , everyone. I'd love to hear what everyone has to say on this.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Since 1 November (the Celtic New Year) I've been living in Etobicoke -Lakeshore and I simply adore it. We have the most diverse and tolerant nrighborhood and the beauty ov this is that we don't strive self-consciously for it.
Within a an eight-block radius we can find down here an Islamic mosque, a Sikh temple, the Roman Catholic Church, Kingdom Hall, Ukranian Catholic Church, Zen Buddhist temple, and Anglican Church. The Carribean roti place is next to the Chinese herbs store which is near the Polish bakery which is across from the store that sells halal meats ans so on.
Etobicoke -Lakeshore has a genuine sense ov respect for diversity: each group has pride in their culture but all work together, unlike Toronto's self-conscioua shtick.
There's also the surreal beauty ov living right at the Lakeshore: seeing the serene majesty ov Lake Ontario fills one with an sense ov how precious and fragile it all is and reminds us that we have to find and assert our place in the scheme ov things