Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pathetic Celebrities

Whatever happened to the good old days when strung out rock stars had the decency to overdose in their bathubs and depart with dignity, leaving us with a sense of mystery
These days we're stuck with the likes of Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse (who really should insert an "H" between the "w" and "i" in her surname)and Lindsay Lohan, all of whom don't have the simple decency to die from their drugs of choice but keep sticking around driving us to early graves with their constant indulgences of their moldering neuroses which are obviously the only way these no-talent bimbos could ever get any attention any way.
Amy, Brtitney, Lindsay: PLEASE! Crash and burn already or else slowly fade away but either way put yourselves out of our misery!


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