Friday, September 3, 2010

The Trashmen : Surfin' Bird ( 1963 )

Never mind the lyrics it's the style that counts. I think the lead singer's voice is incredibly sexy and the fast, run romp of the music is irresistible! I wanna learn to play drums like that.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

An Anchor of Hope in an Ocean of Despair

My life is in a crisis as is my soul. I love the physical beauty of my neighborhood yet I am in despair due to the trashy people who occupy it. Poverty forces me to live in a horrible building overrun by drug addicts, welfare mothers, white trash and such lowlifes as can only provoke in me such a feeling of contempt and revulsion that I can hardly bear it.
They attempt to harass me: my response is withering scorn and the calm, steady contempt I feel in the presence of those who make no effort to better themselves or their lives.
Yet I felt overwhelmed simply because I feel so outnumbered by society, this society which I despise with its emphasis on dragging me down to its lowest common denominator.
I am a religious womon and I believe God led me to pick up a copy of Ayn Rand's "Return of the Primitive" where I read her brilliant essay "The Age of Envy".
While I disagree with some of her politics and her atheism, I feel I have a soul mate in Miss Rand's hatred of egalitarianism and altruism . I recognized myself in her description of those who despise unearned success. I recognize in her essay the description of the decay of morale for I myself have lived it and I am experiencing blind hatred for anything and everything, simply because the society in which I am forced to live is crushing my soul and denying me the fuel I need to continue.
Yet the reading of this essay gives me profound hope and the fuel I need for my spirit. I once again can confirm my love of myself and my life not as it is but as it ought to be and I once again have the affirmation that the greatest sin I could commit is to resign myself to handing my life over to those I despise.
God bless Ayn Rand. The world needs more who think as she thought.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who Else is Sick of Haiti?

SO who managed to piss off the voodoo Gods of Haiti, anyway? Holy fuck, I am so sick to death of hearing about this stupid earthquake!
The worst is the flood of refugees it's going to bring over here, as if there weren't enough of those stealing jobs and housing from natural-born Canadians. FUCK!
Canada has millions of dollars to give to them in aid but refuses to dedicate 1% of the federal budget to end homelessness. I have friends sleeping under bridges who need aid and support. Where's all the spectactular displays of public compassion for THEIR suffering?