Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Homes Last with Dykie Hag

Streets To Homes is just another beaurocratic fuck up in the endless line of beaurocratic fuck-ups in this city. Because I'm temporarily staying with my twin they are denying me any services saying I don't count as homeless.
Even worse is the horribly misnamed Homes First Society. In the 1990's they ran a place called Street City, where I resided from Sep'92 to May'93.
When I left SC in May I paid my rent and Donna Hagar, the one in charge of the SC Bank pocketed my rent money. I know this becuase HOmes First claims I have an arrears with them: BULL FUCKING SHIT:
Donna Hagar also seduced vulnerable womyn at SC, telling them she'd gaurantee them housing if they let her fuck them. Most of these womyn were straight but desperate. When she fucked them over for housiong they were too humiliated to tell the truth until one young womon did.
Being bisexual I totally support gay rights, but a straight man would have been fired outright for such a thing. However, Donna Hagar, a theiving disgrace to gay womyn and womyn in general is allowed to keep her job and have positions of power over the most vulnerable womyn in society.
What the fuck is The Homes First Society doing?
This is an outrage.

1 comment:

Ravyn Brown said...

This Donna dyke sounds pretty shitty to me...it sucks she did those awful things to U syster & I hate those kinda ppl...esp if they get promoted to better positions where they still hurt & abuse vulnerable women/people! I hope the fucking whore gets what she has coming to her gets it soon! I know I've met more than enuf bitches like Donna & Laura too...fucking power tripping cunts who think they can get away with bloody murder...I am sure God will get these dumb ass dames really soon!!