Friday, May 11, 2007

Obsessed With the Swirl

This is going to be a trivial post for some ppl but I don't care.
I adore the red-&-white NutraSweet swirl. I know its been years since most companies that used NutraSweet
switched to that putrid tasting potassium-sulphate blend, and when I find a product with that swirl I practically buy out all the supplies.
I've had issues with food since I was a fat kindergartener waddling home in tears because other little brats were calling me names. For me, that red-&-white swirl symbolised freedom with food, a freedom I sincerely doubt any woman truly takes for granted. If some critic told me I shouldn't be eating that sweet I'd only have to point to the swirl and explain it was sugar-free and low-cal and instantly everyone was off my back.
If anyone misses a product, brand-name, or symbol which is no longer used or rarely found, list it in the comments section.

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